Home Improvement

Preparing Your Roof for the Winter Season

With fall already upon St Louis, MO and its environs, winter could be just around the corner. St Louis residents should not wait until their roof wears out to schedule for commercial roofing St Louis MO services. Critical roof repairs can cost you a fortune during the winter, so avoid the last-minute rush. These proactive steps can help extend the life of a roof and reduce the chances of it getting damaged during the winter.


It’s wise to have a roof inspected while the roofer is up there fixing and cleaning the gutters. Check for any damaged, cracked, loose, or missing shingles and fix them right away. Other areas that are prone to leaks, including skylights, vents, and chimney, are also worth inspecting. Consider replacing any missing or cracking sealant to reduce the chance of leaking during the winter.


Insulating a roof can be a sure way to keep your home warm. Cracked ventilation can allow heat to escape outside and cause snow and ice to refreeze and melt on the roof. That often results in leaks that could compromise the integrity of the entire house. However, insulating all light fixtures, chimneys, vents, and pipes in your attic can help protect your roof and reduce energy consumption during the colder months of the year.


Leaves that often collect on roofs during fall can clog gutters. When clogging causes water to overflow, the siding, trim, and roof could get damaged.  The weight that this water adds to the gutters could also compromise the integrity of the roof.

Of course, no one wants to find him or herself in the middle of a roofing emergency during the colder months of the year. It takes planning to prevent clogging and other roofing issues during the winter months. Thus, it is essential to have your roof inspected, cleaned, and insulated by a professional roofer before the winter hits.