Home Improvement

7 Signs You Need Professional Pest Control Help: How to Know When to Call a Pro

Don’t wait until the pests have taken over to call a professional for bed bug treatment gary, in. Many people put off calling a pest control company until it’s too late. The pests have already caused damage or they’re becoming a nuisance. Don’t let this happen to you. In this blog post, we will discuss seven signs that you need professional pest control help. Keep reading to learn more!

Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/man-talking-on-the-phone-smartphone-1582238/

Sign #1: You See Pests in Your Home

The first and most obvious sign that you need professional pest control help is if you see pests in your home. This includes both insects and rodents. If you see a mouse running around your kitchen or ants in your bathroom, it’s time to call a pro. Overlooking this initial sign will only make the problem worse.

Sign #2: You Hear Pests in Your Home

Another sign that you need to call a professional pest control company is if you hear pests in your home. This is most common with rodents, such as mice and rats. If you hear them scurrying around in your walls or ceiling, it’s time to take action. You may also hear pests if they’re in your attic or crawl space. These noises can include scratching, gnawing, and squeaking.

Sign #3: You Find Droppings in Your Home

On top of being unsightly, finding droppings in your home is also a sign that you have a pest problem. This can include rodent droppings, insect droppings, and even bird droppings. This is a sure-fire way to tell if your home is also home to pests. It’s also worth noting that leaving droppings around your house for long periods of time can attract new pests and can also carry diseases in some cases which is why getting help immediately is important.

Sign #4: You Find Nests in Your Home

If you find nests in your home, it’s a sign that you have a serious pest problem. This is most common with rodents and birds, but insects can also nest in your home. If you find a nest, it’s important to call a professional right away as the pests have already made themselves comfortable in your home. Pay close attention to dark corners and attics, as these are common places for nests.

Sign #5: Your Home is Damaged

If you notice your home is damaged, it could be a sign of pests. This damage can include chewing on wood, fabric, or insulation. It can also include digging holes in walls or floors. If you notice any type of damage in your home, it’s important to call a professional like Sprague Pest Solutions Salt Lake City as soon as possible to inspect the damage and determine if pests are to blame.

Sign #6: Pests are Getting into Your Food

If there’s anything worse than someone else eating your leftovers, it’s pests eating your food. If you notice that insects or rodents are getting into your food, it’s a sign that you need professional help. This problem is most common in pantries and kitchens but can also happen in other areas of the home like garages and storage units.

Sign #7: Your Pets are Acting Strange

Pets (not pests) are usually the first to notice when something is wrong. If your pets are acting strange, it could be a sign that you have a pest problem. This includes barking at nothing, scratching excessively, or acting out of character. If you notice any of these signs in your pet, take a closer look around your home for other signs of pests.

Final Thoughts

Pests are unwelcome guests that can be hard to spot without knowing the signs. In this blog post, we discussed seven signs that you need professional pest control help. If you see any of these signs in your home, don’t hesitate to call a pro. The sooner you take action, the easier it will be to get rid of the pests!