Home Improvement

Understand the Reasons Behind the Blinking of Aircon Light

Aircon is a comfort-providing electronic device. It not only keeps your home cool but also keeps insects and bugs away. Electronic devices at commercial places keep working 24/7. Therefore, aircon at offices restrains the overheating of these devices and keeps them cool. Aircon may cost a high electricity charge. Hence, you need to maintain it properly to prevent it from overloading. Overloaded aircon needs more energy, which in turn increases your electricity bill. However, just like any electrical unit, you may also face issues with the aircon. 

If you live in Singapore and looking for the best aircon servicing company, then do contact Airconservicing.org. It is a trustworthy company with over 18 years of experience. They have a team of skilled and trained professionals who ensure that your aircon works smoothly by embellishing its functioning. From aircon light is blinking to aircon water leakage, they provide every type of aircon service. The best part is they offer service at the most affordable price. Hence, Airconservicing.org provides both – best solutions at the best price. 

Aircon light blinking is one of the most common aircon problems. If you are having such an issue and want to know the reasons, then this article is for you. 

Reasons for Aircon Light Blinking:

Aircon light blinking happens to alert you when there is an internal error in your AC. The gathering of dust and dirt may restrict the overall working of the aircon. 

Some of the common reasons for aircon light blinking are:

  • Insufficient air circulation:

When the placement of the aircon is not at the right place or if there is a problem with the aircon drive-motor then you will face aircon not cooling issue. Your aircon will display an error code, which you need to check and take appropriate action. 

  • Refrigerant leak:

One of the most important components that allow the aircon to function smoothly is the refrigerant gas. In case, if the gas is leaking then the condenser may freeze. This will lead to the aircon leaking problem. Sometimes, due to extreme damage, a hissing sound can also be audible.


Leakage of refrigerant is extremely harmful to your health as well as to the environment. Therefore, make sure to fix this issue as soon as you spot it. 

  • Air filter blockage:

Lack of aircon maintenance may result in the accumulation of dust. This will then block the aircon filters preventing the effortless working of the aircon. Therefore, to ensure the smooth working of the evaporator coils, get the aircon cleaned once in three months. 

  • Failing compressor:

You need to take immediate action if the compressor is failing. The failing compressor may lead to many other aircon-related issues such as reduced cooling, leakage of water, hissing sound, etc.

  • Poor maintenance:

Every electric unit needs good care for them to last long and work smoothly. Aircon, when maintained neatly and cleaned properly, will blow strong and clean air. However, if you neglect it, you will face many issues with your aircon unit. 

Overlooking minor aircon issues will make space for major ones. Therefore, contact the experts of Airconservicing.org and book your appointment now. Airconservicing.org is also active on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. You can contact them via these social media platforms too.