Painting and decorating trends in 2021
Home Improvement

Painting and decorating trends in 2021

With the unrest of 2020 finally over, new beginnings are afoot this new year. While being on lockdown, people have spent time doing various activities, came closer to nature, and learned new things. And many of us have taken onto redecorating our homes and houses to either spice it up or get a new look. New trends are coming up where paints and decors are definitely among the top lists. And if you’re interested in any of these then here’s a list of some of the painting and decorating trends that experts believe will rise.

Versatile Decoration

Over the years, people have migrated towards comfortable spaces with versatile yet luxury designs. This year, it looks like comfort furniture that is both flexible and chic would come into many living spaces.

Say No to Gray Kitchens

According to the report from Insider, 2021 seems to be the end of grey kitchen counters. These were once all the hype but now only gives off cold impressions. And instead of it, bolder colours such as indigo or varied greens have higher chances of being on the trending spot.

No more accent walls

An accent wall is one such wall in a room painted in a different colour from the other walls. Although this was highly popular, it also causes quite a distraction and people may be seen opting for more matching toned colours.

Matching Furniture

While having every single decor in a match by colour, material, or design may look uniform, and in order, it can also get quite tedious. With the rise in creative ideas and expression, this 2021 may have people arranging decors that exude personality and style differently. Thus, this could be the end of monotonous matching sets of furniture.


We’ve seen old and vintage styles creep into fashion wear, and this time, it looks like it’s not just fashion that’s getting an influence. With a sense of nostalgia, comfort and tradition, floral print wallpapers, antiques, vintage modifications, etc., may all be a trend to watch out for.

Vibrant colours

Many experts believe that due to a rough 2020, many of us will be opting for richer and livelier colours that will give our spaces a refreshed look for the New Year –Think rich hues, jewel tones, and vibrant palettes.

Neutral but colourful: With the onset of 2021, modern home designs may just be on their way out, and instead, neutral-toned backdrops with unique statement art as décor have higher chances of winging into the trends.