Home Improvement

Spring Cleaning List for Those Who Despise Yard Work, Home Improvement

Spring cleaning isn’t just for the indoors. If you own property, then you know the exterior of your home requires work. It can feel overwhelming looking at all the weeds, leaves and dead flower gardens. If you are tight on time or money then focus your energy on these four tasks.

Pick up the Yard

When the weather warms up and you venture outside, you will see a lot of debris that needs to be cleared away. Debris removal Green Cove Springs FL makes room for new growth. Gather all the leaves, fallen tree branches, dead flowers and junk that has accumulated over the winter and trash it.

Clean the Gutters

This is a dirty job that is going to stink, but it is important. With Spring rains coming, gutters need to be functional in order to prevent leaks and foundation problems. It also helps with insect control. Remove as much as you can by hand, then follow up with a hose or pressure washer to really get things moving again.

Apply Weed Control

Getting the perfect green yard takes work and many steps. If you have no interest in working that hard, at least spread a pre-emergent herbicide in the Spring. This simply prevents weed growth, allowing grass to grow more easily. It will last for around three months.

Check Windows and Vents

Walk around the home and check ground-level vents. These could have been nibbled or pushed in by animals. Repair any holes and replace missing vents. You may have vents in the attic. Attic vents are a welcome sign for squirrels and raccoons. Make sure they are secure.

Now is the time to check window screens. You may want to open the windows to let fresh air come in, so repair or replace damaged screens. You could give them a quick cleaning as well.