Home Improvement

Maintenance Tips for Your Carpeting

Carpet often gets a bad rap. However, if you take some time to maintain and care for your carpet, it can make your house more comfortable and pleasant.

Carpet is a responsibility. Stick to linoleum floors if you do not want to invest in some regular cleaning and care. However, carpet care does not have to be complicated. Search for discount carpet cleaning Oshkosh WI if your floor has not been treated in a long time, and stick to the advice described below.

Clean Spills Right Away

Spills are a carpet’s worst nightmare. If you spill anything, try to take care of it immediately. The longer you wait, the less likely you will be able to remove the evidence. First, try scooping and blotting the spill away. Then add some water and blot some more with a towel. Though you might be tempted to go straight to a stain remover, only use one if you cannot remove the spill. Do not scrub the carpet or you risk fraying the fibers.

Vacuum Regularly

Vacuuming is the best way to keep a carpet fresh. It would be best if you stuck to a once per week schedule. Do some research on vacuums and what will work best for your specific carpeting. Always vacuum at the highest height your vacuum will reach.

Cut Snags

Snags may be tempting to pull out, but you should avoid that. Take a nice pair of scissors and cut them out at the same height as the other fibers.

Easy Dent Removal

If you do some redecorating, you can easily remove the dents in your carpet. Take a coin and rub it across the indent until the fibers stand back up.

Many people opt for hardwood or fake wooden floors because they think it is easier. However, nothing can replace a soft carpet floor. Take some time to treat your carpeting regularly, and you will find your home to be more inviting and enjoyable to live in.