You may be curious about whether your property and layout are suitable for solar panels. There are many questions that need to be answered before installing solar panels in your home.
Your Energy Bill
To determine if you are a candidate for solar power, it is worth taking a look at the energy bills. To determine if solar power can save you money, you need to understand the cost of electricity and what financial benefits you can expect for your electricity bills over time. You can get credits to save money and replace your utility energy with solar energy. You can switch to solar power if your energy bills have increased steadily from your utility company in the last few years.
Your Roof
When choosing the right solar power system, it is important to consider what type of roof you have. Roofs made from durable roofing materials are the best for solar power systems. It is important to choose roofs made from clay or mortar.
Your Roofing Materials’ Age
It is important to consider the age of your roofing materials. Your solar energy may not be affordable if your roof has to be replaced. Many solar panels can be produced to provide consistent energy for your roof for the next 40-years after installation. Before the solar panel system can be installed, you will need to replace your roofing materials. This will ensure that your roof remains strong and efficient.
The Sunlight On Your Roof
It is important to know how much sunlight your roof gets. A quick consultation with a local solar company will help you determine how much shade your roof receives and what kind of solar energy it can produce. Your roof’s slope and ability to produce solar power will play a significant role in how much shade you get and how well your plants do. You can place solar panels in a way that generates quality power, but first, ensure that the roof is exposed to sunlight.
Your Local Utility
Find out more about the programs offered by your local utility. It is possible to calculate how much solar energy you can generate each year by learning more about net meters and credits. You may have a slower time paying your solar panels off if you don’t have net metering.
Take Into Consideration Storms In Your Area
Your solar power installation will depend on the weather and climate you experience. You might want to improve your roof before you install solar panels if you live in an area that is subject to frequent tropical storms. Professional installers will ensure that the panels are secure and can withstand all weather conditions.
Contact us today to find out if a solar system is right for you.
This post was written by Daniel Massaad, owner and expert solar technician at Energy Solutions Direct! ESD is one of the premier solar companies in Tampa Florida! Our licensed and certified contractors are masters of their craft; with years of experience servicing the great Tampa Bay area and beyond, the choice is simple. ESD excels at offering you the best in solar value!