The benefits of being outside in nature have been well-documented and studied. People who enjoy fresh air and time around plant life are known to often experience boosts in mental health, improvements in physical health and even extended lifespans. To better take advantage of nature’s healthy influence, consider bringing more of it into your home with these three tips.
1. Install a Garden Window
A garden window is a type of window that sticks out a bit from the home, creating a sort of tiny greenhouse. It lets in a large amount of sunlight and can be a fabulous place to grow flowers, herbs and indoor plants. It even helps keep your home warm when the temperatures drop.
2. Open Windows When You Can
If you have a backyard or any plants near your home, it can feel wonderful to let in some fresh air by sliding the windows open. Be wary of insects, though, and try to only open windows that have screens on them. Even if the weather outside is hot or cold, just a few minutes with open windows can do wonders toward airing out any musty smells in the home.
3. Encourage Your Green Thumb
Plants in the home can improve the air quality, increase levels of oxygen and boost your immune system. Overall, it’s known that plants improve the health of humans and animals (as long as they’re nontoxic in case pets or little children take a nibble!). Try to have at least a few plants spread throughout the home. Fewer large plants can make a better statement than copious amounts of tiny ones. Practicing caring for plants can help your house feel more like home.
Bringing some of the outside inside can have enormous benefits, and it doesn’t take long to reap the rewards. Just a few minutes with the sun shining on your face can remind you that connecting with nature can be a powerful force for good in your life.